So, there is much talk around blog land of capsule wardrobes(
here) (
here) (
here) (and an interesting read
here). As a girl who needs many options and has been known to change outfits at least four times before leaving the house, I was surprised by my interest in the idea. But when I really thought about it, maternity clothing is essentially a capsule wardrobe. Most pregnant women don't go out and drop a crap ton of cash on a pregnancy wardrobe. I knew this would most likely be my last pregnancy so I made due with some pre-pregnancy tops and sweaters, high waisted skirts, and a belly band to help extended the life of my jeans and when they finally got uncomfortable I bought a pair of maternity skinnies and a few pairs of leggings. I had about 15 things total that were in constant rotation.
*this worked for me because I was working from home. I'm sure if I had an office job I would have had to invest more time and money in creating a work wardrobe.
With that in mind, and after months of beating myself up for not getting rid of extra pounds fast enough, I bought a few pair of jeans and five or six tops to work with some things that were already in my closet. It's not the most exciting wardrobe but it's working better than I thought it would. I've managed to reduce my getting dressed routine to about 30 minutes start to finish! This means that I can get dressed with time to spare during Rowan's morning nap. I also feel much more confident that I'm not leaving the house looking an absolute mess!
I didn't go through the process of photographing my entire wardrobe because who has time for that?! But I'm currently working from a wardrobe that has 4 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of leggings, 10(or so)tops, and 10ish sweaters(I didn't limit myself on sweaters because I have a LOT of them! However, I find myself reaching for these 10 or so most consistently). I also have three skirts and a dress in the mix but I haven't worn them lately because it's freezing and they're also not exactly practical for rolling around on the floor with the little one.
One unanticipated effect of the "capsule" mentality is that it's made me a much more discerning shopper. This is not to say that I'm over the notion of fast fashion, with a baby that occasionally spits on me and will soon graduate to a toddler with sticky hands mess is unavoidable and I'm not keen on spending a lot of money on things that will come in contact with the aforementioned messes, I am, however, less inclined to buy something on a whim. I've started thinking more about how things function in my wardrobe. I've also made a list of things I'm looking for to fill gaps in my closet. For example, I'd like to have two new dresses-one in a fun pattern and one in a more classic navy or gray. I've also got my eye on pair of earrings that are much more expensive than the ones I usually buy but I've discovered I wear the same earrings everyday so I should probably invest in pair that are a nicer quality.
I'm excited to clean out my closet and work on transitioning my capsule into spring! And... I can't even believe I just typed that. Who have I become?!!
blouse-old navy (
booties-target (
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